Eating for your Skin Health

November 17, 2022 9:00 am .

Have you ever heard the phrase, “It starts from within?”

Desiree Legree 

Blog Editor || Esthetics / Skin Care

Huemetics Artistry



How often do we correctly listen to our bodies? As we age, many of us begin to take notice of the food, drinks and supplements we consume to maintain good health, including the best skin condition.  Much of the most troubling acne is often found on the face, but acne is also seen on the chest, arms, neck and on the back, as well. By adulthood, most likely you’ve learned what should be included in your diet and what food should be avoided, to maintain your best health and skin condition. If you have never taken notice of how your diet may fuel your acne, worry not. It’s never too late to learn!


For example, individuals who are lactose intolerant tend to experience gas and bloating as a result of digesting dairy products. Some people who experience severe acne may also need to avoid dairy or sugary foods due to issues from hormonal increase.

Generally, food categories such as carbohydrates containing higher glycemic levels can be problematic. For example, dairy, starchy foods, and foods much higher in sugar tend to be the most frequent cause of breakouts. There are also concerns with inflammation as an ongoing cause of acne. Learning about and paying more attention to our glycemic index, (the rate in which a food makes your blood sugar levels rise), will help us to better maintain an acne free diet. Higher sugar intakes can onset the release of hormones, leading to excessive sebum production. Even general water intake plays a great role in the hydration of your skin. 

The case of inflammation should be carefully analyzed as well. Ongoing inflammatory issues play a great role in maintaining acne, until it is somewhat controlled. To find some control in this, it is best to look at anti-inflammatory diets that would include supplements such as vitamin C. Vegetables contain some of the most nutritious and anti-inflammatory properties that contribute to the improvement we want to see in our skin. Be sure to also consider avoiding processed foods,  rather focus on sticking to a more organically based diet. 

Bottom Line

Remember, you don’t have to commit to the life of a vegetarian to improve your skin! Just start by being more aware of the foods that you regularly consume. It all begins by learning about your own body, how it reacts to what you eat and what you should add to your diet to give you the most healthy body, including your skin. Below this text, I’ve provided a food chart that outlines what a healthy, omega-3 addition, and non-inflammatory diet looks like. Take the time to tune into the processes of your own body, and take note of what reductions or contributions to your diet can help improve your overall skin health.
