Vitamin-C Powers

November 7, 2022 9:00 am .

Let’s discuss the transformative aspects of Vitamin-C.

Desiree Legree 

Blog Editor || Esthetics / Skin Care

Huemetics Artistry


Why Vitamin-C Matters?

Vitamin-C, otherwise known as ascorbic acid, plays a very strong role in the revitalization, healing and shaping of our skin. This includes the production of collagen, the health of our bone cartilage, and iron retention. Since vitamin-c is not naturally produced in our own bodies, it is important to introduce Vitamin-C to your daily diet. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables can help you achieve this standard. Vitamin-C can be another form of detox, a cleanse for the system. It also assists in the functionality of the protein called elastin. This particular component allows for elasticity of the skin, and the process of the skin reverting to its normal shape after healing. Elastin is prominent within the tissue surrounding organs such as the bladder, lungs, and more. 

Alongside the wondrous benefits that Vitamin-C has on our skin, we must acknowledge its general health advantages such as the contribution to the prevention of cancer, scurvy, heart disease, and common colds as well. With insufficient intake of vitamin c, you are likely to be at risk for these different diseases and health conditions. Additional populations who could potentially be impacted by insufficient levels of vitamin-c consist of those who smoke and drink. This is due to the onset of oxidative stress. Oxidation refers to the reaction of chemicals that occur once an oxidizing substance has entered the body, reaction to its components of oxygen. It further decreases the strength of your immune system, including your overall vitamin-c supply and retention, making you more susceptible to common diseases. 

Balancing your Vitamin-C Levels

Not sure where to start? Here are a few steps you could take in maintaining your vitamin-c health and contribution. Simply stated, some of the top foods high in vitamin-c are broccoli, citrus fruits, red cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, and more. Provided below is a chart containing the suggested intake levels of vitamin-c for adult men and women. Following this will be another chart containing recommended vitamin-c filled foods. 

(These sources have been provided by the National Institutes of Health.)


  1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Office of dietary supplements – Vitamin C. NIH Office of Dietary Supplements. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from  

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2020, November 17). Vitamin C. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from